Prabowo Is A Tolerant and Accommodative Figure

Fokus Pos. Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah, said the national speech of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto showed that the Presidential Candidate number 02 was a person who was tolerant and accommodating to the problems faced by the community.

"There are those who want to describe Prabowo as emotional, angry, temperamental, threatening people, threatening the democratic transition, and disrupting what already exists," Fahri said at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 15, 2019.
"But last night's speech denied everything." Fahri continued.

For Fahri, the speech answered about the doubts of other people who described Prabowo with a bad image. Fahri said, Prabowo is a statesman who will accommodate all people, ready to be criticized and always hear and not look at SARA.

"He will make the nation's best children not care about religion, ethnicity and so on as part of his team. "He even said that he would continue the work carried out by our nation's leaders, including Pak Jokowi," Fahri said.

Prabowo Subianto delivered his national speech entitled 'Indonesia Wins' in front of thousands of supporters at Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention center, on Monday, January 14, 2019.

For example, when Prabowo promised to arrange his cabinet without looking at the origin of the political party he came from.

"I am sure that in the PDIP ranks there are many great patriots, there are many patriots in Golkar, there are also many good people in other parties, we will invite them to work for the people," he said.

For Fahri Hamzah, Prabowo Subianto delivered a reconciliatory speech last night. He said that the speech of Prabowo Subianto last night made him show his true nature which turned out to be very tolerant and accommodating to all Indonesian people.

"Precisely Prabowo appears vice versa, reconciliation, and it seems he wants to say to the Indonesian elites, come on together, there is nothing to fear," said Fahri Hamzah.
Prabowo also said he would not do a selective logging system in his administration later, and would also improve the quality of education and health in Indonesia.


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