The Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno Party Changed the Tagline and the Vision of the Prabowo-Sandi Pair Mission

Portal Fakta. The Coalition of the Prabowo-Sandi sympathizers party overhauled the vision and mission that was sent to the KPU. The vision and mission letter for the Prabowo-Sandi couple was overhauled on 09 January 2019. The vision and mission documents, which initially numbered 14 sheets, are now increasing to 45 sheets.

Prabowo-Sandi also remodeled the tagline. Prabowo-Sandi which was originally tagged "Adil Makmur Bersama Prabowo-Sandi" has now been changed to "Indonesia Menang".

There are a number of sentences deducted from Prabowo-Sandi's vision and mission. In the new vision and mission file, Prabowo-Sandi's vision is:

"The realization of a just, prosperous, religious, and dignified Nation and State of the Republic of Indonesia in the frame of unity based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution."

Whereas, in the old file, Prabowo-Sandi's vision contained:

"The realization of a just Indonesian nation and state, the Republic is prosperous, dignified, religious, sovereign, stands on its own feet in the economic field, and has a strong national personality in the cultural field and guarantees harmony between citizens regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, ethnic and social background based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. "

Reforms are also carried out in the mission sector. Five parts of the mission still exist, only the word is reduced. This is Prabowo-Sandi's new mission:

1. Building a national economy that is fair, prosperous, environmentally sound through a political-economic path in accordance with the constitutional mandate.

2. Building a healthy, intelligent, productive and superior Indonesian society in a life that is safe and protected by social security.

3. Building justice and human rights, eradicating corruption, and strengthening national unity through law enforcement and quality democratic means.

4. Building a system of national safety, security and defense, to maintain the integrity of the NKRI and protect all Indonesian citizens, both domestically and abroad.

5. Rebuilding and strengthening the noble values ​​of a civilized, religious, and blessed national personality of God Almighty.

Meanwhile, in the old file, the Prabowo-Sandi mission contained:

1. Building a fair, prosperous, quality and environmentally sound national economy by prioritizing the interests of the Indonesian people through political-economic paths in accordance with articles 33 and 34 of the 1945 Constitution.

2. Building a healthy, quality, productive and competitive Indonesian community in a safe and dignified life and protected by just social security without discrimination.

3. Building justice in the field of law that is not selective and transparent, as well as realizing the unity and unity of the Indonesian people through democratic means.

4. Rebuild the noble values ​​of the nation's personality to create a just, prosperous, dignified and friendly Indonesia blessed by the Almighty God.

5. Build a national defense and security system independently that is able to maintain the integrity and territorial integrity of Indonesia.

Not only that, revisions were also made to the national work program. In the old document, there was a '4 Pillars of People's Welfare' which was replaced by the word 'national work program focus' written in 5 points:

Not only that, improvements were also made to the national work plan. In the old file, there were 4 Pillars of People's Welfare 'changed their sentence to' Focus of the National Work Program 'which was recorded in 5 parts:

First Focus: An economy that prioritizes people, is fair, prosperous, qualified, and environmentally sound.

Second Focus: Improving the quality of life and social welfare.

Third Focus: Justice in quality law and democracy.

Fourth Focus: Make the Indonesian state a safe, comfortable and sovereign home for all the people of Indonesia.

Fifth Focus: Strengthening noble character and personality.

Hopefully, by reforming Prabowo-Sandi's vision and mission, the community can choose who is suitable to be the leader of the Indonesian nation.


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